Recipe: Cardamom Coffee Cake (Gluten Free)

Recipe: Cardamom Coffee Cake (gluten free) / / @good_on_paper

This Cardamom Coffee Cake is probably my biggest go to recipe for every brunch, potluck, or anytime dessert. My friend Christine first made it for me years ago and I immediately had to have it in my recipe book. I've made it countless times ever since and I always get "mmmm's" and "ohhhh, this is so good", and "can you send me the recipe?" Though I typically make this using the original non gluten free recipe (and sometimes in mini bundt form like I did for this Banchan Workshop), I love experimenting with gluten free flours. I relied on my trusty brown rice flour + xantham gum combo, but I also decided to make use of the huge bag of coconut flour that's been sitting in my pantry drawer. I had tried subbing in coconut flour in this Lemon Olive Chicken recipe, but it was disastrous so I've been a little wary of trying coconut flour again. But I'll admit this cake came out way better than I expected. With a little added texture and subtle hint of coconut, the result was pretty amazing. I love it with coffee in the morning, with tea in the afternoon, and with decaf tea for dessert while watching The Walking Dead. Ha! Let me know if you try it!

Recipe: Cardamom Coffee Cake (gluten free) / / @good_on_paper

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Recipe: Cardamom Coffee Cake (gluten free) / / @good_on_paper

Recipe: Magical Marvelous Memorable Cookies

Recipe: Magical Marvelous Memorable Cookies / www, / @good_on_paper

I love a forgiving recipe. Bonus points if it's a forgiving baked treat recipe. These Magical Marvelous Memorable Cookies from Food 52 are just that. Crispy on the edge, salty, sweet, and chewy on the inside with lots of random good stuff nestled in between the layers of buttery goodness. I love how I was able to throw in raisins, millet, chocolate chips, salty pretzels, and some leftover granola to create this delicious cookie. Enjoy and happy weekend!

Recipe: Magical Marvelous Memorable Cookies / www, / @good_on_paper

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Recipe: Magical Marvelous Memorable Cookies / www, / @good_on_paper

Real Mom, Real Recipe Feature on Mother Magazine

Real Mom, Real Recipe Feature on Mother Mag / / @good_on_paper

We are so excited and honored to be part of Mother magazine's new series Real Mom, Real Recipe. The amazing Sarah of Modern Kids spent the morning shooting these wonderful family pics as we assembled and quickly devoured homemade Black Sesame Ice Cream Sandwiches.

Real Mom, Real Recipe Feature on Mother Mag / / @good_on_paper
Real Mom, Real Recipe Feature on Mother Mag / / @good_on_paper
Real Mom, Real Recipe Feature on Mother Mag / / @good_on_paper
Real Mom, Real Recipe Feature on Mother Mag / / @good_on_paper

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Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo

Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper

The last time we went apple picking was about three years ago somewhere near Boston on a rainy weekend with our good friends. Lucas was only about 16 months old and we made a triangle trip by train (Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C.) to visit some dear friends. One of my favorite things we did was go apple picking.

A couple of weekends ago we discovered Gabriel Farm, the cutest organic apple farm in Sebastopol. The family farm features eight varieties of Asian Pears, several varieties of Apples, Fuyu Persimmons, Lavender, Plums, and many sorts of berries. Sadly, due to the drought, the apple picking season was cut short, but I'm glad we made it on the last day of the season. I was so happy to have found this place -- it was just the right size for Lucas and Theo to run around and not get lost or in trouble, pick Fuji Apples (my all time fave!), take a stroll, and taste some of the best fruit we've ever had. Plus, we were able to meet up with Nana and Grandad there (they live about ten minutes away) which was a total bonus. We are definitely going to make this an annual tradition.

Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper

This pretty much sums up Theo and Lucas' personalities.

Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper

This too -- Lucas is always running and Theo is always eating.

Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper

I absolutely LOVE these shots of Theo -- he doesn't know I'm there and I spotted him examining his apple and then trying so hard to devour the heck out of it. Too cute!

Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper

Silly monkeys

Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper
Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper

Theo and Lucas adore Grandad.

Apple Picking with Lucas and Theo / / @good_on_paper

If you get a chance to visit Gabriel Farm in Sebastopol, I'd highly recommend it. Fuyu Persimmon picking starts October 25th!

What are your plans for the weekend? We have a birthday party and a retirement party to attend, as well as hosting a movie night in our yard.

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A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

I have been really nervous and antsy all week preparing myself for today. Lots of extra tears have been shed this week and while writing this. Sorry in advance for my babbling but it really helps to get out my feelings. It was exactly a year ago today that I lost my soul mate dog, Pixel -- the saddest and worst day of my life. He was tragically hit by a car in front of our home and taken from us way too soon. I still have feelings of guilt and would give anything to take that awful day back. Pixel meant the world to me -- even after I had Lucas and Theo -- as he was my first baby. It seems like only yesterday that he was snuggling up next to me in bed, sitting on my lap, lying in the sun and snoring, or playing his favorite frisbee fetch game at the park. I remember his scent so clearly (I always wished for a way to capture his scent in a jar), how his little paws smelled like corn chips, and how his tiny head fit in the palm of my hands. I miss him so much, it truly hurts my heart still and probably will my whole life. 

Sometimes I think I am a total nut because I think about Pixel practically every minute of the day. Sometimes I smile or laugh when I think of him and sometimes I just burst into tears (it's especially difficult when I'm driving in the car alone for more than 30 minutes). It's gotten better though -- I literally cried every day for six months straight and now I bawl about once every 2-3 weeks. I hope one day I can just focus on all the fun times, what an amazing life he had, and all the joy her brought to us and everyone around him. It just seems too fresh still.

Many people have asked if we will get another dog. I especially love dogs and we will get one someday for sure, but not anytime soon. Lucas and Theo love dogs and cats and have asked for a pet several times recently, but I am SO not over this and it's hard to think that any dog could be as amazing as Pixel. But I know every animal has their own personality and I will come to love it no matter what. I just need time -- a lot more time. His bed, food mat, and toys are pretty much still in the same place and I still imagine his nails clicking on the floor.

A few things have brought me comfort this past year. One of them is this stuffed Pixel I had custom made by Sian Keegan "for when that time came". Sadly, that time came way sooner than I expected. I mean, Pixel was 12 but he was super healthy and still acted like a puppy other than the fact that he slept a lot. I was fully convinced (and still am!) that he had at least five more years in him. I used to joke that he would live until 20 at the rate he was going. I sleep with this stuffed Pixel every night and having something that resembles him and a similar shape gives me comfort. Sometimes I would just start bawling out of nowhere and sweet Lucas would run to my room to get stuffed Pixel for me. He is so sweet.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Another thing that gives me solace is the tattoo of Pixel's actual paw (tiny fingernails and bits of fur too!) that I got years ago when he was here. It's placed on my upper inner right bicep, where Pixel would rest his paw every night when we slept.

Finally, I wear a small gold necklace that some dear friends got for me last year. It has two charms - one is a heart with a paw print cutout and the other is a tiny letter "p". I don't wear jewelry other than my thin rose gold wedding band but I now wear this necklace all the time.

Sometimes I feel like I would have handled Pixel's passing a little better if it weren't so tragic. I just had no time to say goodbye. I couldn't even be there for him right when he got hit because I was at work and that just kills me inside. I literally got the worst call of my life at the office and I screamed and cried and fell to the floor. My heart sank and my world ended. My dear neighbor/friend was with him the whole time, the woman who hit him was there, my mom was with him, and a kind bicyclist was with him. I know animals live in the present and he didn't suffer so I take some comfort in that. It's just hard still and he was so very special to me and brought so much joy to others. An animal's love is so unconditional and never once did I take that for granted with Pixel.

I set up a little memorial in front of our house with his photo and some little tidbits about him. I put fresh flowers by it whenever I can. Here's what the memorial says:

Pixel was PURE LOVE and we miss him dearly. Tragically hit by a car in front of our home and taken from us way too soon, he will never be forgotten. Anyone who was lucky enough to know him could tell you how exceptionally sweet and endearing he was. A huge heart and soul in a small 12-pound body, Pixel was more than just a dog or family pet. He was my best friend, my soul mate dog, my little shadow and a true member of our family. He will be in our hearts forever and will always be part of the original Jackson Five family. We gave him the best life and he did the same for us. Our lives will forever be changed because he was a part of it.


He LOVED hot laundry more than anything. No matter where he was in the house, if I said the words, β€œHOT LAUNDRY” he would come racing over and bury himself in a huge pile and stay there until there was only one sock left.

When I sat down, he would be on my lap within seconds and followed me everywhere like a little shadow.

Pixel also loved the sun and parked his body wherever there was a sun spot in the house.

He only barked at two things – someone at the door or random stuff that he β€œsaw” that seemed out of the ordinary.

His paws smelled exactly like Fritos corn chips.

The insides of his ears smelled like soy sauce.

Whenever we would say, β€œBang! Bang!” he would flip over onto his back. To him, this meant getting a belly rub and making people laugh. It was his only trick but he perfected it.

He was SO incredibly patient and tolerant of the kids. They would sit on him, hug him a little too hard, try to ride him. Not once was he angry ohurt or jealous. He would run away and come find me so I could protect him. Or he would give them a taste of his own medicine and try to hump them.

Without fail, he would be the first one to greet me at the door, sometimes running out the door to say hi.

He let us dress him up for Halloween.

He always let me cut his nails and brush his teeth without a grunt.

He loved playing fetch with his Flying Squirrel toy and was so good at it too.

He snorted and snored in bed every night.

Whenever I read to the boys, he would jump on my lap no matter what uncomfortable position he would end up in. He didn’t care. He just wanted to be with me.

He loved the beach but would run away from the waves.

He loved running and exploring in the park and on hikes β€” for a senior dog, he was amazingly agile.

He was a top notch watch dog. Not a good guard dog but he would try hard when he had to.

He would sleep anywhere we wanted him to as long as he was close to us – on top of our legs, on top of our belly, in the middle of the bed, on the edge of the bed. But most nights he would sleep nestled in between my right arm and my belly β€” my hot water bottle.

For some reason, he loved it when kids threw sand or splashed water in his face. He would always try and catch it with his mouth.

He let us put clothes on him for warmth even though he didn’t like it much.

He loved his favorite soccer ball. He would "nurse" it forever and it was disgustingly wet but he loved it and it made him feel safe and happy.

He loved to chase squirrels and birds.

He loved to hump crossed legs or crawling babies. Yes, it’s true.

Thanks for listening to me today. It's actually been a really rough year for a lot of my friends and family's pets.

Here are some of my favorite Pixel photos. I'm so happy to share with you what he meant to me. I still hope to have a "celebration of his life" party at some point when I'm ready.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Pixel with his big sister Gida who passed away just two months before him.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Pixel in a hot pink cast for his first luxating patella surgery and a forest green one for his second surgery almost exactly a year later. 

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Bostons in the sun. Pixel with his sister Gida and his niece Switch.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Baby Pixel! He was the runt of the litter and a boy. For some reason no one wanted him for months so I would joke that he was my little rescue Boston. Though he had a host of health problems for the first four to five years of his life -- mange, luxating patellas, a giant wart -- I couldn't be happier or luckier that he was mine for 12 years. I will never forget the day I met him and took him home.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Seriously. So tolerant.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Little Lucas and Pixel

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

I love that Lucas has fond memories of Pixel too. 

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

One of my sweetest memories -- whenever Theo would nurse, Pixel would jump up on the pillow and be in the most awkward position but he just wanted to be with us. Theo would play with his ear in a way that was really soothing for him and Pixel would just let him.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

He always managed to find those sun spots around the house.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Pixel was a total trooper wherever we went.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Pixel "kneading" his favorite soccer ball.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Here's Pixel on his 12th birthday last year on September 29th. We brought him back to his old stomping grounds, Willard Park in Berkeley, for some fetch with his favorite flying squirrel toy.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

So Pixel has been published a lot for a dog. Here he is on the cover of the Bohemian (photo by Liz Seward)

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Here he is in Martha Stewart Weddings magazine (photos by Lisa Lefkowitz). Pixel was our ring bearer.

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Here he is in Sunset magazine (photo by Thomas J. Story)

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper
A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

And one of my favorites, here he is in Anthology magazine's gift guide (photo by Marvin Ilasco)

A Big Hole in My Heart - A Year Later / / @good_on_paper

Pixel had the best life we could have possibly given him. He was always happy. In turn, he gave us the best 12 years of our lives and memories for a lifetime. I miss him dearly and will always keep him in my heart.

Banchan Workshop No. 2

Banchan Workshop #2 / / @good_on_paper
Banchan Workshop #2 / / @good_on_paper

Last weekend I had the opportunity to shoot a Banchan Workshop for Selina at Skycreatives in Berkeley and eat a bunch of delicious Korean food at the end of the class. I met some wonderful people and had a blast learning about all the work that goes into making those little side dishes. Everything tasted so good and wasn't too spicy for my taste buds (I'm total weak sauce when it comes to spicy foods). Here is just a snippet of the photos I shot -- see more details of the workshop along with a printable recipe book on the Skycreatives blog.

Banchan Workshop #2 / / @good_on_paper
Banchan Workshop #2 / / @good_on_paper

There's something really soothing to me about washing rice.

Banchan Workshop #2 / / @good_on_paper
Banchan Workshop #2 / / @good_on_paper

This Bakesale Betty Coleslaw Bibimmyun was one of my favorite dishes. Who knew Bakesale Betty Coleslaw would go so perfectly with fried chicken and ramen noodles!?

Banchan Workshop #2 / / @good_on_paper

I also made my favorite Cardamom Coffee Cake in mini bundt cake form for the workshop guests to enjoy with coffee after all their hard work. I will post this recipe here on the blog soon. Thanks Selina for having me!

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DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps

DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper

My final guest post on Oh So Beautiful Paper is about a fun DIY project from my friend Sally J. Shim's new book Pretty Packages (published by Chronicle Books). Admittedly, I am not the best packager/gift wrapper, but this book makes it fun and easy -- many of the projects are kid-friendly too which is a huge bonus in my book.

DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper

I chose to make the Hand Carved Stamps project using Lucas' name. He wrote his name, I carved it out, and then he went to town stamping all over kraft butcher paper to wrap a gift for his friend's birthday. We had so much fun doing this project together.

DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper

Lucas was so funny -- every time he would stamp his name he would say, "And I present you......" and gesture with his hand to show me his stamped name. Hilariously cute.

DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper

I love how proud he is of himself!

DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper

We even tried hot pink and neon yellow for fun! After letting the sheets dry we wrapped some gifts for friends.

DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper
DIY Kids Project: Hand Carved Stamps / / @good_on_paper

Thanks for the inspiration, Sally! Check out my guest post and full instructions on Oh So Beautiful Paper. And thanks so much to Nole for having me guest post while she's on maternity leave.

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Recipe: S'mores Pot de Creme

Recipe: S'mores Pot de Creme / / @good_on_paper

Remember these yummy S'mores Pot de Creme party favors from Theo's 2nd birthday party? Well, it was a huge hit and I've received many requests for the recipe so I thought I would share it here. It's a genius concoction created by Andie at Bakin Bit for an Oh Happy Day Craft Night. The only credit I take is designing the packaging and asking Andie to make them for our party. :) Enjoy!

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Recipe: S'mores Pot de Creme / / @good_on_paper

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

I can't believe Theo turned two in August. It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun. And when you have kids. This year's party was really similar to his first birthday party -- a pretty low key celebration at our home with family and friends. By the time Theo's birthday rolls around, I feel like I'm just coming down from the excitement and craziness of Lucas' birthday party in April. This year's theme wasn't so clear cut -- Theo generally likes whatever his big brother likes, but no interests or obsessions in particular stood out in particular this year. I realized later that the big difference between Lucas and Theo is that Theo loves to eat. So why not a food-themed party?

The invitations I designed were inspired by his eight favorite foods, which include: blueberries, peanut butter, pretzels, and bok choy. I photographed each of the foods, and laid them out against a white background so they stood out. Under each photo, I inserted the name of the food, followed by Theo's own pronunciation. The invites were flat-printed on heavy, bright white cotton stock, and mailed in a kraft envelope with a custom liner (Theo's yogurt-covered face of course!). Finally, the envelopes were sealed with a black and white wraparound address label.
My favorite line on the invitation was, "If you know Theo, you know this kid loves to eat." I mean, he wears the same size pants as Lucas except they're way too long. ;)

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

We decided to make breakfast at one of our favorite spots, Elmwood Cafe, a tradition on birthday mornings for the kids. We threw on the birthday crown for Theo and I snapped a bunch of sweet photos of the boys on the steps on our way to the car. Lucas has been the most amazing big brother in every way and Theo simply adores him.

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

It's always so hard to choose just a few items here. Everything is so delicious! We ended up getting the frittata with summer squash, peas, and poblano peppers with organic greens, a mushroom, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich, a cornmeal waffle with organic O'Henry peaches and Vermont maple syrup, a soy latte for me, a house coffee for Nick, and orange juice for Lucas and Theo.

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

While we waited for our food, I busted out the bag of good ol' random Legos and Matchbox cars to keep the boys busy. It's always fun to see how serious Theo gets when building things. He's got some pretty great fine motor skills for his age (whereas Lucas excels in those gross motor skills if you know what I mean).

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

After breakfast we walked down the block to pick up our giant order of donut holes from Dream Fluff Donuts for the party -- a tradition at every Jackson kid party. I designed the paper cones using abstract grayed out elements from the invitation as well as Theo's "signature". These are always a big hit with kids and grown ups alike.

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

And the biggest hit (other than Theo the birthday boy of course) were these S'mores Pot de Creme party favors. To go along with the food theme, I wanted to give something away that our guests could eat. We hired the amazing Andie from Bakin Bit again this year to cater our party (guys, she is crazy talented but also crazy busy!). I had seen these amazing creations she made for Oh Happy Day and asked if she could recreate it using Ball jars that would be given away as favors. They couldn't have bee more perfect -- food themed, delicious, super cute, and the jars are reusable! Many of our friends and family said they were the best dessert they'd ever had. I'm going to have to make these and store them in my fridge! I designed some coordinating labels for each jar to make them even cuter.

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

For a food themed party you have to have awesome food, right? While brainstorming menu ideas, I thought some sort of bar would be perfect for little ones. My first thought was a grilled cheese bar but then I remembered how last year Andie made this incredible mac 'n' cheese that people wouldn't stop talking about. I suggested a mac 'n' cheese bar and she went with it! She whipped up gooey mac 'n' cheese and had a slew of toppings people could choose from -- breadcrumbs, cherry tomatoes, pea shoots/peas, parmesan cheese, sauteed mushrooms, bacon bits, feta cheese crumbles, jalapenos, green onions, and sriracha sauce. She also made a strawberry, peach, and blueberry (all of Theo's favorites) salad with mint, a kale quinoa salad with cucumbers, and turkey dogs rolled in puff pastry on a stick (another crowd favorite).

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

The party REALLY got started when Eric (Theo's magical preschool teacher) and Jaime from Your Song My Song showed up to play music, sing, and dance in our backyard. They are just plain awesome and everyone loves them! They also sang Let It Go and you know all the kids got their groove on!

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

More dancing and noshing from the mac 'n' cheese bar!

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

The ever so sweet Jeanne from Shop Sweet Things and her adorable kids and hubby George (rockin' the polka dots!)

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

Not sure what Eric and Jaime did here (did someone take their pants off or something?) but I'm so glad I captured this photo! Theo's confused.

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

It was way past Theo's nap but Nana was secretly happy about that because look at Theo's little pudgy body melting in her lap.

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

It's cake time!!! I made a large carrot cake and a bunch of cupcakes. Remember how I said Theo loves to eat? Well, he ate that cupcake AND half the liner!

Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper
Theo's Food Themed 2nd Birthday Party / / @good_on_paper

This year's thank you cards were postcards. Designed with a full bleed photo of Theo walking to pick up donut holes, along with his "signature," these postcards came out super cute while saving money on stamps and envelopes.

Thanks so much for everyone who came to celebrate Theo's birthday. We missed a bunch of friends but there's always next year! :)

+ Photos by me
+ Also featured on 100 Layer Cakelet and Oh So Beautiful Paper
+ Find me on Instagram (@good_on_paper)