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10 Cool Calendars to Ring in 2016
There is something truly exciting about a new year’s calendar or planner. Maybe it’s the unlimited potential that the blank spaces and newly minted pages seem to hold by (falsely) promising us all the time in the world. Whatever it is, to get you started on your 2016 world domination plan, we’ve pulled 10 calendars that are cute to boot. So, no matter what you’re schedule shapes up like, at least it’ll look good.
10 Cool Calendars to Ring in 2016
There is something truly exciting about a new year’s calendar or planner. Maybe it’s the unlimited potential that the blank spaces and newly minted pages seem to hold by (falsely) promising us all the time in the world. Whatever it is, to get you started on your 2016 world domination plan, we’ve pulled 10 calendars that are cute to boot. So, no matter what you’re schedule shapes up like, at least it’ll look good.